Friday 5 December 2008


some moons ago I wrote this post

Well I didn't actually write it, it's the words of a Motorhead song I just posted it one day because I thought "I really like this, other people should know about it".

The song was wrote about thirty years ago and last played live about twenty seven years ago. Until now. I was at the AB on larst week where MH happened to be playing gig and they only went and played the song! I was absolutley gobsmacked, astounded, knocked sideways and bowled over.

Unbelievable! One lives for days like this, doesn't one?

And I'll tell you what else, two days later and I still had a sore throat and I reckon a million people must have asked me "have you got a cold?"

"No! I've got a sore throat from shouting my bollocks off at the Motorhead gig", "Motorhead? Jesus", "Jesus?, Lemmy", "what?", "what?", "what did you say?", "I said What", "No, I said what did you say"

On days like this I usually like to take the afternoon off and go on a business reporting presentation by some consultant types, fortunately I had just the thing booked already months ago. At the super Crowne Plaza at pl Rogier

"KPI?", "no thanks I had a late lunch", "what?", "what?", "what?", "eh?", "I'm a bit deaf from the .... oh never mind make mine a large one", "What?", "S H U T U P" (that's two words, the html parser is supposed to ignore whitespace, I could put it back with & codes but it think you geddit now)

Init maarvellous eh?



Zed said...

Oh. I got that once when in the back of a car singing my lungs out to Bo Rap over and over again, driving back from Paris to Brussels. Q and the driver weren't that amused until my voice went.


Then they took the piss out of me mercifully.

Soup Waiter said...

yay! can't wait to do it again