Tuesday 1 January 2008

Tuna Tale

Tim: I had that dream again
Tom: The one where you’re sitting on top of a huge baked potato?
Tim: No, the one where I’m sitting on a piece of bread covered in mayonnaise and there’s bits of salad falling out of the sky
Tom: Have you noticed how Dolphins don’t hang around with us anymore?
Tim: Yeh, since “the disappearances” started the Dolphins have been pretty scarce, they must have a hand in it
Tom: Can’t trust Dolphins
Tim: Nah, but they’re not as bad as sea horses
Tom: Yeh, that’s a screwed up piece of evolution, a horse that lives in the sea, no wonder they’re all mental. How do they swim when they haven’t got any fins?
Tim: Dunno, I was never any good at biology. Are you going to vote in the elections?
Tom: Probably, I might vote Blue Fin this time, Yellow Fin have had it easy for too long
Tim: Switching sides eh? Fair enough I suppose, they’re all the same anyway. Seen any good movies lately?
Tom: Nah, usual rubbish. Finding Nemo. Completely unrealistic, what does he eat? They don’t show that because they know he eats smaller fish and then he wouldn't be so cute would he? Shark Tale was complete rubbish, making them out to be some kind of organised gang that holds meetings. They’re just single minded killers everyone knows that, they don’t stop for a chat
Tim: Yeh, they got that right in Jaws
Tom: Yeh, world’s going soft now, it’s all that politically correct nonsense. You’re not supposed to blame the shark for being a killer, it’s his upbringing see, he’s a victim of social circumstance
Tim: Right, yeh, but what about the victims of his murderous teeth eh? Who care’s about them? No one, it’s all backwards
Tom: Yeh, all sharks should be harpooned on sight, no questions asked
Tim: Yep, you got that right
Tom: Yep